Monday, December 19, 2011

My thoughts

Yesterday I went to a tailgating party for the Sunday football game.  I went alone but my mind was racing of thoughts about Him.  My thoughts were so focused on the lifestyle as my mind and body raced with anticipation to feel alive again..the beginning stages of discovery and learning each other can be very exciting as well as intense.  Using the game as a tool to offer my submission.  Each loss of downs giving myself to Him in a sexual way.  With each taking feeling my submission grow stronger and a bond slowly begin to develop.

I see visions constantly on a daily basis and I'm learning that He does as well.  I guess time will tell how perceptive he is about my mannerisms and behavior.  I have learned some of his dislikes already and I wonder what to expect the first time he gets upset with me?  Thoughts of curiousity race in my mind on how he would deal with me in a public setting when it occurs as well as in private. 

I'm going to do my best to be well behaved and show him how good I plan to be.

1 comment:

  1. Michael Head of HouseholdDecember 19, 2011 at 6:21 AM

    Hello Sweetcheeks. I just found your site and it caught my interest. I would love to hear about your thoughts on the lifestyle. I hope to hear more details on what you're experiencing. I've read all your postings and I think you will find it very difficult to behave yourself. It will be interesting to see how he handles your discretions.
