Saturday, July 9, 2011

To Tell or Not to Tell

As I begin this new journey and we have spent alot of time communicating our views and his ideas and structure of DD/HOH.  I shared with him the other day that I got pulled over for speeding on my drive home from work.  I completely understand where he stands on this and that I would be punished for putting myself at risk.  Yesterday, as I was driving home yet again it happened in the same area.  I was so deep in thought while I was driving I wasn't paying attention.  Thank God it wasn't the same officer.  I know the right thing to do is to tell him.  I fear what his reactions will be.  I know if I don't tell him it will eat me up inside.  If I do tell him, I know I will be punished and severely.  After all, this is the life I chose to lead.  Anyone have any thoughts or can offer feedback?


  1. Sweetcheeks...As a Dom I would highly recommend that you tell him. If he find out on his own before you tell him, you will be punished more severely. Besides you said that it is bothering you by not telling him. For your peace of mind and for your butt's sake tell him and tell him soon. I'd love to hear what happens....Dom from Texas

  2. When something is eating you up inside it's bad for the relationship. You said it all: you know what is right, you chose this life and you know where he stands. I say, tell him and get it over. Then set your cruise control when you drive home from work!

  3. Thanks Dom from Texas and Meow...I will tell him today. Your both right...Wish me luck. I'll post later

  4. Good luck. They're right. As a dom, he would have no choice but to punish you for getting the ticket and then punish you for lying or withholding it from him. Count your blessings that you'll only suffer for it once!

  5. I want to thank everyone for their comments and feedback. I did it..I told him. He called me back at work and told me I was going to be punished for my actions. The downfall is I have to wait because of logistics (which is very hard as most subs know the waiting is a killer) He was very clear with what was going to happen and why. I respect him and understand the reasoning. In a crazy way I feel relieved that I "came clean". On the other hand I worry about how much it will hurt and know I will submit and fall to pieces. The mind of a sub/bottom is very complicated at times I guess. He knows my mind inside and out. Now I wonder how much trouble I'm going to be in. I've pleaded and begged saying I will never do it again. Anyone have any suggestions?

  6. Well, you won't like the suggestions...!

    Driving well is like doing other things well. It is built from good habits. And habits come from what you do over and over. So, my suggestion is to get a rule book for your location, study it thoroughly, and practice what it says. This is where your HOH can be very helpful: by riding along and watching to make sure you get it right.

    Driving isn't especially easy. It only looks easy since "everyone" does it. But doing it well could save more than your ass.

  7. The "talk" and discussion has now taken place and I was given the opportunity to plead my case while he listened quietly, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. The punishment has been decided and the details have been revealed. I've successfully sealed my fate with a date with the belt.
